Music Survey Archives 1961
This survey is from the week ending January 7, 1961. The top song in the Bay Area is “Calcutta” by the champagne music maker himself, Lawrence Welk.

The week ending April 8, 1961-the music and the disc jockeys

On the week ending May 13, Ricky Nelson now has the #1 song in the Bay Area-“Travelin’ Man”

It’s now the week of May 29, 1961 and we see the arrival of a legendary figure in Bay Area radio He would come to us from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and his real name was Thomas Coman. He would be known to us as “Big Daddy” Tom Donahue.

This was the week ending on August 5, 1961. Dick St. John and Deedee Sperling would now have the #1 record in the Bay Area. They would be known as Dick & Deedee. Their recording of “The Mountain’s High” was recorded with 4 tracks. Deedee would sing the 2 middle tracks while Dick would do the high part and the low part

On the week ending on October 21, the #1 song in the Bay Area is “Runaround Sue” by Dion. Dion is now recording as a solo artist, without The Belmonts.

These were the Top 40 songs for the year 1961 on radio station KEWB. By the end of 1961, Don MacKinnon was now the morning personality and a legendary radio voice was now on KEWB from 9:00 PM -Midnight-Casey Kasem

References: the music surveys of KEWB and KYA in the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area in California, U.S.A 🙂 🙂 🙂