1954 Flashback

As the year 1954 begins, I am still in 4th Grade at Parker Elementary School in Oakland. I will begin the 5th Grade in September of 1954. I still collected Topps baseball cards but eventually I would collect all types of cards (if you put some cards in a pack with bubble gum, I usually bought them). I collected Football cards, Airplane cards and other types of cards.

I also collected Topps “World On Wheels” “cards. I still have some. These cards were originally printed in 1953, but they were issued in 1954 (with newer 1954 models added)

——————————————-News Events———————————————-
The Army McCarthy hearings were still going on and they were televised. The Salk Polio Vaccine was now given to children, the unemployment rate was now 5.6%, Joe DiMaggio would marry Marilyn Monroe, segregation was ended by the court case called Brown vs The Board Of Education and the 50 millionth GM car rolled off the assembly line in Flint, Michigan. Ellis Island closed it’s doors this year. The conflict in Viet Nam would now divide the country into North and South Viet Nam, Gamel Abdel Nasser would seize power in Egypt and mother nature would take center stage during the hurricane season. Hurricane Edna and Hurricane Carol would wreak havoc along America’s coastline but the biggest hurricane of the year was Hurricane Hazel.
——————————————Cost Of Living————————————————–

Ad from the Oakland Tribune-June 15, 1954

———————————————–The World Of Sports——————————-
In the world of boxing, Rocky Marciano was still the Heavyweight Boxing Champion. In the NBA, The Minneapolis Lakers would defeat The Syracuse Nationals 4 games to 1. In the NFL title game, The Cleveland Browns would defeat The Detroit Lions 56 to 10. In the world of baseball, Hank Aaron would begin his legendary career with the Milwaukee Braves (the Braves had just moved from Boston the previous season). The St. Louis Browns would move to Baltimore this year and become The Baltimore Orioles. The 1954 World Series would be between The New York Giants and The Cleveland Indians. The Giants would win the series in a 4 game sweep, but this series would long be remembered for a great catch by Willie Mays.
Final MLB Standings 1954

Final 1954 NBA standings

Final 1954 NFL standings

World Of Wheel cards. I still have some. These cards were originally printed in 1953, but they were issu3ed in 1954 (with newer 1954 models added)